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Even's sister, Odd, is whisked from Onecroft to Sixtopia, and you step into Even's small shoes in search of Odd, with the help of a giant, sentient (good) die named Dicey. Every child in Random has to roll the Queen's (evil) die when they turn 12, and the number they get determines where they live for the rest of their lives.

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I only labour the point because if you dislike Burtonian-esque goffic whimsy (I also got a real bang of American McGee's Alice off it) then I sense it's going to be very hard for you to see past the veritable mountain of it in Lost In Random in order to enjoy its more objectively great bits. Klaus Lyngeled, Zoink's head of development, and the creative director and lead writer Olov Redmalm, are happy to say during a roundtable Q&A that Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas was an influence, that it is a "favourite" of Lyngeled's and that Redmalm grew up with it. It's not like Zoink are trying to hide this, though. Royam speaks in rhyming couplets and- oh! There he is.

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The mayor has split entirely into another mayor called Royam, who is attached to him via a long top hat snaking up to the ceiling. There is even one, Two-Town, where everyone has two personalities. The different regions are numerically named after the numbers on six-sided dice and are economically ranked as such, from Onecroft to Threedom to the palace in Sixtopia. The citizens you run into as you explore the world of Random might be big fish or have upside-down faces. It is steampunk-Victoriana-urchin: The Game.

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